JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model
1.0 (02 March 2017)
An Open Source Flight Dynamics and Control Software Library in C++
►NJSBSim | |
Cap_array | |
CElement | |
►CFGAccelerations | Handles the calculation of accelerations |
CInputs | |
CFGAccelerometer | Encapsulates a Accelerometer component for the flight control system |
CFGActuator | Encapsulates an Actuator component for the flight control system |
►CFGAerodynamics | Encapsulates the aerodynamic calculations |
CInputs | |
►CFGAircraft | Encapsulates an Aircraft and its systems |
CInputs | |
CFGAngles | Provides a way to determine the smallest included angle |
►CFGAtmosphere | Models an empty, abstract base atmosphere class |
CInputs | |
►CFGAuxiliary | Encapsulates various uncategorized scheduled functions |
CInputs | |
CFGBallonet | Models a ballonet inside a gas cell |
CFGBuoyantForces | Encapsulates the Buoyant forces calculations |
CFGColumnVector3 | This class implements a 3 element column vector |
CFGCondition | Encapsulates a condition, which is used in parts of JSBSim including switches |
CFGDeadBand | Models a deadband object |
CFGDefaultGroundCallback | |
CFGDistributor | Encapsulates a distributor for the flight control system |
CFGElectric | Models an electric motor |
►CFGEngine | Base class for all engines |
CInputs | |
CFGExternalForce | Encapsulates code that models an individual arbitrary force |
CFGExternalReactions | Manages the external and/or arbitrary forces |
CFGFCS | Encapsulates the Flight Control System (FCS) functionality |
CFGFCSChannel | |
CFGFCSComponent | Base class for JSBSim Flight Control System Components |
CFGFCSFunction | Models a FCSFunction object |
►CFGFDMExec | Encapsulates the JSBSim simulation executive |
CPropertyCatalogStructure | |
CFGfdmSocket | Encapsulates an object that enables JSBSim to communicate via socket (input and/or output) |
CFGFilter | Encapsulates a filter for the flight control system |
CFGForce | Utility class that aids in the conversion of forces between coordinate systems and calculation of moments |
CFGFunction | Represents a mathematical function |
CFGGain | Encapsulates a gain component for the flight control system |
►CFGGasCell | Models a gas cell |
CInputs | |
CFGGroundCallback | This class provides callback slots to get ground specific data |
CFGGroundReactions | Manages ground reactions modeling |
CFGGyro | Encapsulates a Gyro component for the flight control system |
►CFGInertial | Models inertial forces (e.g |
CInputs | |
CFGInitialCondition | Initializes the simulation run |
CFGInput | Handles simulation input |
CFGInputSocket | Implements the input from a socket |
CFGInputType | Abstract class to provide functions generic to all the input directives |
►CFGJSBBase | JSBSim Base class |
CFilter | First order, (low pass / lag) filter |
CMessage | JSBSim Message structure |
CFGKinemat | Encapsulates a kinematic (mechanical) component for the flight control system |
►CFGLGear | Landing gear model |
CInputs | |
CFGLinearization | |
CFGLocation | FGLocation holds an arbitrary location in the Earth centered Earth fixed reference frame (ECEF) |
CFGMagnetometer | Encapsulates a magnetometer component for the flight control system |
CFGMars | Models the Martian atmosphere |
►CFGMassBalance | Models weight, balance and moment of inertia information |
CInputs | |
CFGMatrix33 | Handles matrix math operations |
CFGModel | Base class for all scheduled JSBSim models |
CFGModelFunctions | The model functions class provides the capability for loading, storing, and executing arbitrary functions |
CFGModelLoader | |
►CFGNelderMead | |
CCallback | |
CFunction | |
CFGNozzle | Models a rocket nozzle |
CFGOutput | Handles simulation output |
CFGOutputFG | Implements the output to a FlightGear socket |
CFGOutputFile | Abstract class that provide functions that are generic to all the outputs that are directed to a file |
CFGOutputSocket | Implements the output to a socket |
CFGOutputTextFile | Implements the output to a human readable text file |
CFGOutputType | Abstract class to provide functions generic to all the output directives |
CFGParameter | Represents various types of parameters |
CFGPID | Encapsulates a PID control component for the flight control system |
CFGPiston | Models a Supercharged Piston engine |
►CFGPropagate | Models the EOM and integration/propagation of state |
CInputs | |
CVehicleState | The current vehicle state vector structure contains the translational and angular position, and the translational and angular velocity |
CFGPropeller | FGPropeller models a propeller given the tabular data for Ct (thrust) and Cp (power), indexed by the advance ratio "J" |
CFGPropertyManager | |
CFGPropertyNode | Class wrapper for property handling |
►CFGPropertyReader | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CFGPropertyValue | Represents a property value which can use late binding |
CFGPropulsion | Propulsion management class |
CFGQuaternion | Models the Quaternion representation of rotations |
CFGRealValue | Represents a real value |
CFGRK4 | Classical RK4 |
CFGRKFehlberg | Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method |
CFGRocket | Models a generic rocket engine |
CFGRotor | Models a helicopter rotor |
CFGRungeKutta | Abstract base |
CFGRungeKuttaProblem | Minimalistic implementation of some Runge-Kutta methods |
CFGScript | Encapsulates the JSBSim scripting capability |
CFGSensor | Encapsulates a Sensor component for the flight control system |
CFGSensorOrientation | Encapsulates a SensorOrientation capability for a sensor |
CFGSimplexTrim | |
CFGStandardAtmosphere | Models the 1976 U.S |
►CFGStateSpace | |
CAccelX | |
CAccelY | |
CAccelZ | |
CAlpha | |
CAlt | |
CBeta | |
CCOG | |
CComponent | |
CComponentVector | |
CDaCmd | |
CDaPos | |
CDeCmd | |
CDePos | |
CDrCmd | |
CDrPos | |
CLatitude | |
CLongitude | |
CP | |
CPhi | |
CPi | |
CPropPitch | |
CPsi | |
CQ | |
CQi | |
CR | |
CRi | |
CRpm0 | |
CRpm1 | |
CRpm2 | |
CRpm3 | |
CTheta | |
CThrottleCmd | |
CThrottlePos | |
CVd | |
CVe | |
CVGround | |
CVn | |
CVt | |
CFGSummer | Models a flight control system summing component |
CFGSurface | Base class for all surface properties |
CFGSwitch | Encapsulates a switch for the flight control system |
CFGTable | Lookup table class |
CFGTank | Models a fuel tank |
►CFGThruster | Base class for specific thrusting devices such as propellers, nozzles, etc |
CInputs | |
CFGTransmission | Utility class that handles power transmission in conjunction with FGRotor |
CFGTrim | The trimming routine for JSBSim |
CFGTrimAnalysis | |
CFGTrimAnalysisControl | Models an aircraft control variables for purposes of trimming |
CFGTrimAxis | |
►CFGTrimmer | |
CConstraints | |
CFGTurbine | This class models a turbine engine |
CFGTurboProp | Turboprop engine model |
CFGUDPInputSocket | Implements a UDP input socket |
CFGUDPOutputSocket | Implements the output to a UDP socket |
CFGWaypoint | Models a Waypoint object |
►CFGWinds | Models atmospheric disturbances: winds, gusts, turbulence, downbursts, etc |
CInputs | |
COneMinusCosineGust | Stores the information about a single one minus cosine gust instance |
COneMinusCosineProfile | |
CUpDownBurst | Stores information about a specified Up- or Down-burst |
CFGXMLFileRead | |
CFGXMLParse | Encapsulates an XML parser based on the EasyXML parser from the SimGear library |
CLagrangeMultiplier | |
CMatrixException | Exception convenience class |
Cnrlmsise_flags | Models the MSIS-00 atmosphere |
Cnrlmsise_input | |
Cnrlmsise_output | |
CObjective | |
CXMLFile | This class is solely for the purpose of determining what type of file is given on the command line |