JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model  1.0 (02 March 2017)
An Open Source Flight Dynamics and Control Software Library in C++
FGOutputFile Class Referenceabstract

Abstract class that provide functions that are generic to all the outputs that are directed to a file. More...

#include <FGOutputFile.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for FGOutputFile:
+ Collaboration diagram for FGOutputFile:

Public Member Functions

 FGOutputFile (FGFDMExec *fdmex)
virtual ~FGOutputFile ()
 Destructor : closes the file.
bool InitModel (void)
 Initializes the instance. More...
bool Load (Element *el)
 Init the output directives from an XML file. More...
void Print (void)=0
 Generate the output. More...
void SetOutputName (const std::string &fname)
 Overwrites the name identifier under which the output will be logged. More...
void SetStartNewOutput (void)
 Reset the output prior to a restart of the simulation. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FGOutputType
 FGOutputType (FGFDMExec *fdmex)
 Constructor (implement the FGModel interface). More...
virtual ~FGOutputType ()
void Disable (void)
 Disables the output generation.
void Enable (void)
 Enables the output generation.
virtual const std::string & GetOutputName (void) const
 Get the name identifier to which the output will be directed. More...
double GetRateHz (void) const
 Get the output rate in Hz for this output.
bool Run (void)
 Executes the output directives (implement the FGModel interface). More...
void SetIdx (unsigned int idx)
 Set the idx for this output instance. More...
void SetOutputProperties (std::vector< FGPropertyNode_ptr > &outputProperties)
 Set the list of properties that should be output for this output instance. More...
void SetRateHz (double rtHz)
 Set the output rate for this output instances. More...
void SetSubSystems (int subSystems)
 Set the activated subsystems for this output instance. More...
bool Toggle (void)
 Toggles the output generation. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FGModel
 FGModel (FGFDMExec *)
virtual ~FGModel ()
virtual SGPath FindFullPathName (const SGPath &path) const
FGFDMExecGetExec (void)
unsigned int GetRate (void)
 Get the output rate for the model in frames.
virtual bool Run (bool Holding)
 Runs the model; called by the Executive. More...
void SetPropertyManager (FGPropertyManager *fgpm)
void SetRate (unsigned int tt)
 Set the ouput rate for the model in frames.
- Public Member Functions inherited from FGModelFunctions
std::string GetFunctionStrings (const std::string &delimeter) const
 Gets the strings for the current set of functions. More...
std::string GetFunctionValues (const std::string &delimeter) const
 Gets the function values. More...
FGFunctionGetPreFunction (const std::string &name)
 Get one of the "pre" function. More...
bool Load (Element *el, FGPropertyManager *PropertyManager, std::string prefix="")
void PostLoad (Element *el, FGPropertyManager *PropertyManager, std::string prefix="")
void PreLoad (Element *el, FGPropertyManager *PropertyManager, std::string prefix="")
void RunPostFunctions (void)
void RunPreFunctions (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
 FGJSBBase ()
 Constructor for FGJSBBase.
virtual ~FGJSBBase ()
 Destructor for FGJSBBase.
void disableHighLighting (void)
 Disables highlighting in the console output.
std::string GetVersion (void)
 Returns the version number of JSBSim. More...
void PutMessage (const Message &msg)
 Places a Message structure on the Message queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text)
 Creates a message with the given text and places it on the queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text, bool bVal)
 Creates a message with the given text and boolean value and places it on the queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text, int iVal)
 Creates a message with the given text and integer value and places it on the queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text, double dVal)
 Creates a message with the given text and double value and places it on the queue. More...
int SomeMessages (void)
 Reads the message on the queue (but does not delete it). More...
void ProcessMessage (void)
 Reads the message on the queue and removes it from the queue. More...
MessageProcessNextMessage (void)
 Reads the next message on the queue and removes it from the queue. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void CloseFile (void)
 Closes the file.
virtual bool OpenFile (void)=0
 Opens the file.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FGOutputType
void Debug (int from)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
void Debug (int)

Protected Attributes

SGPath Filename
- Protected Attributes inherited from FGOutputType
bool enabled
std::vector< std::string > OutputCaptions
unsigned int OutputIdx
std::vector< FGPropertyNode_ptr > OutputProperties
int SubSystems
- Protected Attributes inherited from FGModel
unsigned int exe_ctr
unsigned int rate
- Protected Attributes inherited from FGModelFunctions
FGPropertyReader LocalProperties
std::vector< FGFunction * > PostFunctions
std::vector< FGFunction * > PreFunctions

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from FGOutputType
enum  eSubSystems {
  ssSimulation = 1, ssAerosurfaces = 2, ssRates = 4, ssVelocities = 8,
  ssForces = 16, ssMoments = 32, ssAtmosphere = 64, ssMassProps = 128,
  ssAeroFunctions = 256, ssPropagate = 512, ssGroundReactions = 1024, ssFCS = 2048,
  ssPropulsion = 4096
 Subsystem types for specifying which will be output in the FDM data logging. More...
- Public Types inherited from FGJSBBase
enum  { eL = 1, eM, eN }
 Moments L, M, N.
enum  { eP = 1, eQ, eR }
 Rates P, Q, R.
enum  { eU = 1, eV, eW }
 Velocities U, V, W.
enum  { eX = 1, eY, eZ }
 Positions X, Y, Z.
enum  { ePhi = 1, eTht, ePsi }
 Euler angles Phi, Theta, Psi.
enum  { eDrag = 1, eSide, eLift }
 Stability axis forces, Drag, Side force, Lift.
enum  { eRoll = 1, ePitch, eYaw }
 Local frame orientation Roll, Pitch, Yaw.
enum  { eNorth = 1, eEast, eDown }
 Local frame position North, East, Down.
enum  { eLat = 1, eLong, eRad }
 Locations Radius, Latitude, Longitude.
enum  {
  inNone = 0, inDegrees, inRadians, inMeters,
 Conversion specifiers.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
static double CelsiusToFahrenheit (double celsius)
 Converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. More...
static double CelsiusToKelvin (double celsius)
 Converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Kelvin. More...
static double CelsiusToRankine (double celsius)
 Converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Rankine. More...
static double Constrain (double min, double value, double max)
 Constrain a value between a minimum and a maximum value.
static bool EqualToRoundoff (double a, double b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static bool EqualToRoundoff (float a, float b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static bool EqualToRoundoff (float a, double b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static bool EqualToRoundoff (double a, float b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static double FahrenheitToCelsius (double fahrenheit)
 Converts from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. More...
static double FeetToMeters (double measure)
 Converts from feet to meters. More...
static double GaussianRandomNumber (void)
static double KelvinToCelsius (double kelvin)
 Converts from degrees Kelvin to degrees Celsius. More...
static double KelvinToFahrenheit (double kelvin)
 Converts from degrees Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit. More...
static double KelvinToRankine (double kelvin)
 Converts from degrees Kelvin to degrees Rankine. More...
static double MachFromVcalibrated (double vcas, double p, double psl, double rhosl)
 Calculate the Mach number from the calibrated airspeed. More...
static double PitotTotalPressure (double mach, double p)
 Compute the total pressure in front of the Pitot tube. More...
static double RankineToCelsius (double rankine)
 Converts from degrees Rankine to degrees Celsius. More...
static double RankineToKelvin (double rankine)
 Converts from degrees Rankine to degrees Kelvin. More...
static double sign (double num)
static double VcalibratedFromMach (double mach, double p, double psl, double rhosl)
 Calculate the calibrated airspeed from the Mach number. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from FGOutputType
enum JSBSim::FGOutputType::eSubSystems subsystems
- Public Attributes inherited from FGModel
std::string Name
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FGJSBBase
static short debug_lvl = 1
static char highint [5] = {27, '[', '1', 'm', '\0' }
 highlights text
static char halfint [5] = {27, '[', '2', 'm', '\0' }
 low intensity text
static char normint [6] = {27, '[', '2', '2', 'm', '\0' }
 normal intensity text
static char reset [5] = {27, '[', '0', 'm', '\0' }
 resets text properties
static char underon [5] = {27, '[', '4', 'm', '\0' }
 underlines text
static char underoff [6] = {27, '[', '2', '4', 'm', '\0' }
 underline off
static char fgblue [6] = {27, '[', '3', '4', 'm', '\0' }
 blue text
static char fgcyan [6] = {27, '[', '3', '6', 'm', '\0' }
 cyan text
static char fgred [6] = {27, '[', '3', '1', 'm', '\0' }
 red text
static char fggreen [6] = {27, '[', '3', '2', 'm', '\0' }
 green text
static char fgdef [6] = {27, '[', '3', '9', 'm', '\0' }
 default text
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
static std::string CreateIndexedPropertyName (const std::string &Property, int index)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from FGJSBBase
static const double degtorad = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
static const double fpstokts = 1.0/ktstofps
static const double fttom = 0.3048
static int gaussian_random_number_phase = 0
static const double hptoftlbssec = 550.0
static const double in3tom3 = 1.638706E-5
static const double inchtoft = 0.08333333
static const double inhgtopa = 3386.38
static const std::string JSBSim_version = "1.0 " __DATE__ " " __TIME__
static const double kgtolb = 2.20462
static const double kgtoslug = 0.06852168
static const double ktstofps = 1.68781
static const double lbtoslug = 1.0/slugtolb
static Message localMsg
static const double m3toft3 = 1.0/(fttom*fttom*fttom)
static double Mair = 28.9645
static unsigned int messageId = 0
static std::queue< MessageMessages
static const std::string needed_cfg_version = "2.0"
static const double psftoinhg = 0.014138
static const double psftopa = 47.88
static const double radtodeg = 57.295779513082320876798154814105
static double Reng = 1716.56
static double Rstar = 1545.348
static const double SHRatio = 1.40
static const double slugtolb = 32.174049

Detailed Description

Abstract class that provide functions that are generic to all the outputs that are directed to a file.

A new class derived from FGOutputFile should be created for each file format that JSBSim is able to output.

This class provides all the machinery necessary to manage the file naming including the sequence in which the file should be opened then closed. The logic of SetStartNewOutput() is also managed in this class. Derived class should normally not need to reimplement this method. In most cases, derived classes only need to implement the methods OpenFile(), CloseFile() and Print().

Definition at line 76 of file FGOutputFile.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ InitModel()

bool InitModel ( void  )

Initializes the instance.

This method basically opens the file to which outputs will be directed.

true if the execution succeeded.

Reimplemented from FGOutputType.

Definition at line 65 of file FGOutputFile.cpp.

66 {
68  if (Filename.isNull()) {
69  Filename = SGPath(Name);
70  runID_postfix = 0;
71  }
72  return OpenFile();
73  }
75  return false;
76 }
virtual bool InitModel(void)
Init the output model according to its configitation.
virtual bool OpenFile(void)=0
Opens the file.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Load()

bool Load ( Element el)

Init the output directives from an XML file.

elementXML Element that is pointing to the output directives

Reimplemented from FGOutputType.

Reimplemented in FGOutputTextFile.

Definition at line 98 of file FGOutputFile.cpp.

99 {
100  if (!FGOutputType::Load(el))
101  return false;
103  SetOutputName(el->GetAttributeValue("name"));
105  return true;
106 }
void SetOutputName(const std::string &fname)
Overwrites the name identifier under which the output will be logged.
Definition: FGOutputFile.h:108
virtual bool Load(Element *el)
Init the output directives from an XML file (implement the FGModel interface).
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Print()

void Print ( void  )
pure virtual

Generate the output.

This is a pure method so it must be implemented by the classes that inherits from FGOutputFile.

Implements FGOutputType.

Implemented in FGOutputTextFile.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetOutputName()

void SetOutputName ( const std::string &  fname)

Overwrites the name identifier under which the output will be logged.

For this method to take effect, it must be called prior to FGFDMExec::RunIC(). If it is called after, it will not take effect before the next call to SetStartNewOutput().

namenew name

Reimplemented from FGOutputType.

Definition at line 108 of file FGOutputFile.h.

108  {
109  Name = (FDMExec->GetRootDir()/fname).utf8Str();
110  runID_postfix = -1;
111  Filename = SGPath();
112  }
const SGPath & GetRootDir(void) const
Retrieves the Root Directory.
Definition: FGFDMExec.h:567
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetStartNewOutput()

void SetStartNewOutput ( void  )

Reset the output prior to a restart of the simulation.

This method should be called when the simulation is restarted with, for example, new initial conditions. The current file is closed and reopened with a new name. The new name is contructed from the base file name set by the class constructor or SetOutputName() and is appended with an underscore _ and an ID that is incremented at each call to this method.

Reimplemented from FGOutputType.

Definition at line 80 of file FGOutputFile.cpp.

81 {
82  if (runID_postfix >= 0) {
83  ostringstream buf;
84  string::size_type dot = Name.find_last_of('.');
85  if (dot != string::npos) {
86  buf << Name.substr(0, dot) << '_' << runID_postfix++ << Name.substr(dot);
87  } else {
88  buf << Name << '_' << runID_postfix++;
89  }
90  Filename = SGPath(buf.str());
91  }
93  CloseFile();
94 }
virtual void CloseFile(void)
Closes the file.
Definition: FGOutputFile.h:124
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: