JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model  1.0 (02 March 2017)
An Open Source Flight Dynamics and Control Software Library in C++
1 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3  Module: FGOutputFG.cpp
4  Author: Bertrand Coconnier
5  Date started: 09/10/11
6  Purpose: Manage output of sim parameters to FlightGear
7  Called by: FGOutput
9  ------------- Copyright (C) 2011 Bertrand Coconnier -------------
11  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
12  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
13  Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
14  version.
16  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
18  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
19  details.
21  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
22  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
23  Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25  Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
26  the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 This is the place where you create output routines to dump data for perusal
31 later.
34 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 11/09/07 HDW Added FlightGear Socket Interface
36 09/10/11 BC Moved the FlightGear socket in a separate class
38 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
40 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
42 #include <cstring>
43 #include <cstdlib>
45 #include "FGOutputFG.h"
46 #include "FGFDMExec.h"
47 #include "models/FGAerodynamics.h"
48 #include "models/FGAuxiliary.h"
49 #include "models/FGPropulsion.h"
50 #include "models/FGMassBalance.h"
51 #include "models/FGPropagate.h"
52 #include "models/FGGroundReactions.h"
53 #include "models/FGFCS.h"
54 #include "models/propulsion/FGPiston.h"
55 #include "models/propulsion/FGTank.h"
57 #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
58 # include <windows.h>
59 #else
60 # include <netinet/in.h> // htonl() ntohl()
61 #endif
63 #if !defined (min)
64 # define min(X,Y) X<Y?X:Y
65 #endif
67 static const int endianTest = 1;
68 #define isLittleEndian (*((char *) &endianTest ) != 0)
70 using namespace std;
72 namespace JSBSim {
74 IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGOutputFG.cpp,v 1.9 2014/02/17 05:01:55 jberndt Exp $");
77 // (stolen from FGFS native_fdm.cxx)
78 // The function htond is defined this way due to the way some
79 // processors and OSes treat floating point values. Some will raise
80 // an exception whenever a "bad" floating point value is loaded into a
81 // floating point register. Solaris is notorious for this, but then
82 // so is LynxOS on the PowerPC. By translating the data in place,
83 // there is no need to load a FP register with the "corruped" floating
84 // point value. By doing the BIG_ENDIAN test, I can optimize the
85 // routine for big-endian processors so it can be as efficient as
86 // possible
87 static void htond (double &x)
88 {
89  if ( isLittleEndian ) {
90  int *Double_Overlay;
91  int Holding_Buffer;
93  Double_Overlay = (int *) &x;
94  Holding_Buffer = Double_Overlay [0];
96  Double_Overlay [0] = htonl (Double_Overlay [1]);
97  Double_Overlay [1] = htonl (Holding_Buffer);
98  } else {
99  return;
100  }
101 }
103 // Float version
104 static void htonf (float &x)
105 {
106  if ( isLittleEndian ) {
107  int *Float_Overlay;
108  int Holding_Buffer;
110  Float_Overlay = (int *) &x;
111  Holding_Buffer = Float_Overlay [0];
113  Float_Overlay [0] = htonl (Holding_Buffer);
114  } else {
115  return;
116  }
117 }
120 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
122 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
124 FGOutputFG::FGOutputFG(FGFDMExec* fdmex) :
125  FGOutputSocket(fdmex)
126 {
127  memset(&fgSockBuf, 0x0, sizeof(fgSockBuf));
128 }
130 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
132 void FGOutputFG::SocketDataFill(FGNetFDM* net)
133 {
134  unsigned int i;
136  // Version
137  net->version = FG_NET_FDM_VERSION;
139  // Positions
140  net->longitude = Propagate->GetLocation().GetLongitude(); //
141  net->latitude = Propagate->GetLocation().GetGeodLatitudeRad(); // geodetic (radians)
142  net->altitude = Propagate->GetAltitudeASL()*0.3048; // altitude, above sea level (meters)
143  net->agl = (float)(Propagate->GetDistanceAGL()*0.3048); // altitude, above ground level (meters)
145  net->phi = (float)(Propagate->GetEuler(ePhi)); // roll (radians)
146  net->theta = (float)(Propagate->GetEuler(eTht)); // pitch (radians)
147  net->psi = (float)(Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi)); // yaw or true heading (radians)
149  net->alpha = (float)(Auxiliary->Getalpha()); // angle of attack (radians)
150  net->beta = (float)(Auxiliary->Getbeta()); // side slip angle (radians)
152  // Velocities
153  net->phidot = (float)(Auxiliary->GetEulerRates(ePhi)); // roll rate (radians/sec)
154  net->thetadot = (float)(Auxiliary->GetEulerRates(eTht)); // pitch rate (radians/sec)
155  net->psidot = (float)(Auxiliary->GetEulerRates(ePsi)); // yaw rate (radians/sec)
156  net->vcas = (float)(Auxiliary->GetVcalibratedKTS()); // VCAS, knots
157  net->climb_rate = (float)(Propagate->Gethdot()); // altitude rate, ft/sec
158  net->v_north = (float)(Propagate->GetVel(eNorth)); // north vel in NED frame, fps
159  net->v_east = (float)(Propagate->GetVel(eEast)); // east vel in NED frame, fps
160  net->v_down = (float)(Propagate->GetVel(eDown)); // down vel in NED frame, fps
162  net->v_body_u = (float)(Propagate->GetUVW(1)); // ECEF speed in body axis
163  net->v_body_v = (float)(Propagate->GetUVW(2)); // ECEF speed in body axis
164  net->v_body_w = (float)(Propagate->GetUVW(3)); // ECEF speed in body axis
166  // Accelerations
167  net->A_X_pilot = (float)(Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel(1)); // X body accel, ft/s/s
168  net->A_Y_pilot = (float)(Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel(2)); // Y body accel, ft/s/s
169  net->A_Z_pilot = (float)(Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel(3)); // Z body accel, ft/s/s
171  // Stall
172  net->stall_warning = 0.0; // 0.0 - 1.0 indicating the amount of stall
173  net->slip_deg = (float)(Auxiliary->Getbeta(inDegrees)); // slip ball deflection, deg
175  // Engine status
176  if (Propulsion->GetNumEngines() > FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_ENGINES && FDMExec->GetSimTime() == 0.0)
177  cerr << "This vehicle has " << Propulsion->GetNumEngines() << " engines, but the current " << endl
178  << "version of FlightGear's FGNetFDM only supports " << FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_ENGINES << " engines." << endl
179  << "Only the first " << FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_ENGINES << " engines will be used." << endl;
181  net->num_engines = min(FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_ENGINES,Propulsion->GetNumEngines()); // Number of valid engines
183  for (i=0; i<net->num_engines; i++) {
184  if (Propulsion->GetEngine(i)->GetRunning())
185  net->eng_state[i] = 2; // Engine state running
186  else if (Propulsion->GetEngine(i)->GetCranking())
187  net->eng_state[i] = 1; // Engine state cranking
188  else
189  net->eng_state[i] = 0; // Engine state off
191  switch (Propulsion->GetEngine(i)->GetType()) {
192  case (FGEngine::etRocket):
193  break;
194  case (FGEngine::etPiston):
195  net->rpm[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->getRPM());
196  net->fuel_flow[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->getFuelFlow_gph());
197  net->fuel_px[i] = 0; // Fuel pressure, psi (N/A in current model)
198  net->egt[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->GetEGT());
199  net->cht[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->getCylinderHeadTemp_degF());
200  net->mp_osi[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->getManifoldPressure_inHg());
201  net->oil_temp[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->getOilTemp_degF());
202  net->oil_px[i] = (float)(((FGPiston *)Propulsion->GetEngine(i))->getOilPressure_psi());
203  net->tit[i] = 0; // Turbine Inlet Temperature (N/A for piston)
204  break;
205  case (FGEngine::etTurbine):
206  break;
207  case (FGEngine::etTurboprop):
208  break;
209  case (FGEngine::etElectric):
210  break;
211  case (FGEngine::etUnknown):
212  break;
213  }
214  }
216  // Consumables
217  if (Propulsion->GetNumTanks() > FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_TANKS && FDMExec->GetSimTime() == 0.0)
218  cerr << "This vehicle has " << Propulsion->GetNumTanks() << " tanks, but the current " << endl
219  << "version of FlightGear's FGNetFDM only supports " << FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_TANKS << " tanks." << endl
220  << "Only the first " << FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_TANKS << " tanks will be used." << endl;
222  net->num_tanks = min(FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_TANKS, Propulsion->GetNumTanks()); // Max number of fuel tanks
224  for (i=0; i<net->num_tanks; i++) {
225  net->fuel_quantity[i] = (float)(((FGTank *)Propulsion->GetTank(i))->GetContents());
226  }
228  // Gear status
229  if (GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits() > FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_WHEELS && FDMExec->GetSimTime() == 0.0)
230  cerr << "This vehicle has " << GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits() << " bogeys, but the current " << endl
231  << "version of FlightGear's FGNetFDM only supports " << FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_WHEELS << " bogeys." << endl
232  << "Only the first " << FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_WHEELS << " bogeys will be used." << endl;
234  net->num_wheels = min(FGNetFDM::FG_MAX_WHEELS, GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits());
236  for (i=0; i<net->num_wheels; i++) {
237  net->wow[i] = GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW();
238  if (GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetGearUnitDown())
239  net->gear_pos[i] = 1; //gear down, using FCS convention
240  else
241  net->gear_pos[i] = 0; //gear up, using FCS convention
242  net->gear_steer[i] = (float)(GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetSteerNorm());
243  net->gear_compression[i] = (float)(GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetCompLen());
244  }
246  // Environment
247  net->cur_time = (long int)1234567890; // Friday, Feb 13, 2009, 23:31:30 UTC (not processed by FGFS anyway)
248  net->warp = 0; // offset in seconds to unix time
249  net->visibility = 25000.0; // visibility in meters (for env. effects)
251  // Control surface positions (normalized values)
252  net->elevator = (float)(FCS->GetDePos(ofNorm)); // Norm Elevator Pos, --
253  net->elevator_trim_tab = (float)(FCS->GetPitchTrimCmd()); // Norm Elev Trim Tab Pos, --
254  net->left_flap = (float)(FCS->GetDfPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Flap Pos, --
255  net->right_flap = (float)(FCS->GetDfPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Flap Pos, --
256  net->left_aileron = (float)(FCS->GetDaLPos(ofNorm)); // Norm L Aileron Pos, --
257  net->right_aileron = (float)(FCS->GetDaRPos(ofNorm)); // Norm R Aileron Pos, --
258  net->rudder = (float)(FCS->GetDrPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Rudder Pos, --
259  net->nose_wheel = (float)(FCS->GetDrPos(ofNorm)); // *** FIX *** Using Rudder Pos for NWS, --
260  net->speedbrake = (float)(FCS->GetDsbPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Speedbrake Pos, --
261  net->spoilers = (float)(FCS->GetDspPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Spoiler Pos, --
263  // Convert the net buffer to network format
264  if ( isLittleEndian ) {
265  net->version = htonl(net->version);
267  htond(net->longitude);
268  htond(net->latitude);
269  htond(net->altitude);
270  htonf(net->agl);
271  htonf(net->phi);
272  htonf(net->theta);
273  htonf(net->psi);
274  htonf(net->alpha);
275  htonf(net->beta);
277  htonf(net->phidot);
278  htonf(net->thetadot);
279  htonf(net->psidot);
280  htonf(net->vcas);
281  htonf(net->climb_rate);
282  htonf(net->v_north);
283  htonf(net->v_east);
284  htonf(net->v_down);
285  htonf(net->v_body_u);
286  htonf(net->v_body_v);
287  htonf(net->v_body_w);
289  htonf(net->A_X_pilot);
290  htonf(net->A_Y_pilot);
291  htonf(net->A_Z_pilot);
293  htonf(net->stall_warning);
294  htonf(net->slip_deg);
296  for (i=0; i<net->num_engines; ++i ) {
297  net->eng_state[i] = htonl(net->eng_state[i]);
298  htonf(net->rpm[i]);
299  htonf(net->fuel_flow[i]);
300  htonf(net->fuel_px[i]);
301  htonf(net->egt[i]);
302  htonf(net->cht[i]);
303  htonf(net->mp_osi[i]);
304  htonf(net->tit[i]);
305  htonf(net->oil_temp[i]);
306  htonf(net->oil_px[i]);
307  }
308  net->num_engines = htonl(net->num_engines);
310  for (i=0; i<net->num_tanks; ++i ) {
311  htonf(net->fuel_quantity[i]);
312  }
313  net->num_tanks = htonl(net->num_tanks);
315  for (i=0; i<net->num_wheels; ++i ) {
316  net->wow[i] = htonl(net->wow[i]);
317  htonf(net->gear_pos[i]);
318  htonf(net->gear_steer[i]);
319  htonf(net->gear_compression[i]);
320  }
321  net->num_wheels = htonl(net->num_wheels);
323  net->cur_time = htonl( net->cur_time );
324  net->warp = htonl( net->warp );
325  htonf(net->visibility);
327  htonf(net->elevator);
328  htonf(net->elevator_trim_tab);
329  htonf(net->left_flap);
330  htonf(net->right_flap);
331  htonf(net->left_aileron);
332  htonf(net->right_aileron);
333  htonf(net->rudder);
334  htonf(net->nose_wheel);
335  htonf(net->speedbrake);
336  htonf(net->spoilers);
337  }
338 }
340 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
343 {
344  int length = sizeof(fgSockBuf);
346  if (socket == 0) return;
347  if (!socket->GetConnectStatus()) return;
349  SocketDataFill(&fgSockBuf);
350  socket->Send((char *)&fgSockBuf, length);
351 }
352 }
FGTank * GetTank(unsigned int index) const
Retrieves a tank object pointer from the list of tanks.
Definition: FGPropulsion.h:151
double GetDfPos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the flaps position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:320
double GetDePos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the elevator position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:300
double GetDaLPos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the left aileron position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:290
double GetCompLen(void) const
Gets the current compressed length of the gear in feet.
Definition: FGLGear.h:261
STL namespace.
FGEngine * GetEngine(unsigned int index) const
Retrieves an engine object pointer from the list of engines.
Definition: FGPropulsion.h:140
double GetAltitudeASL(void) const
Returns the current altitude above sea level.
Definition: FGPropagate.h:337
const FGColumnVector3 & GetUVW(void) const
Retrieves the body frame vehicle velocity vector.
Definition: FGPropagate.h:204
Models a fuel tank.
Definition: FGTank.h:200
double GetPitchTrimCmd(void) const
Gets the pitch trim command.
Definition: FGFCS.h:270
double GetLongitude() const
Get the longitude.
Definition: FGLocation.h:254
virtual void Print(void)
Generate the output.
Definition: FGOutputFG.cpp:342
const FGColumnVector3 & GetVel(void) const
Retrieves the velocity vector.
Definition: FGPropagate.h:192
double GetDsbPos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the speedbrake position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:310
const FGColumnVector3 & GetEuler(void) const
Retrieves the Euler angles that define the vehicle orientation.
Definition: FGPropagate.h:260
double GetGeodLatitudeRad(void) const
Get the geodetic latitude.
Definition: FGLocation.h:278
double GetSimTime(void) const
Returns the cumulative simulation time in seconds.
Definition: FGFDMExec.h:533
double Gethdot(void) const
Returns the current altitude rate.
Definition: FGPropagate.h:425
Implements the output to a socket.
unsigned int GetNumTanks(void) const
Retrieves the number of tanks defined for the aircraft.
Definition: FGPropulsion.h:145
Models a Supercharged Piston engine.
Definition: FGPiston.h:221
double GetDspPos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the spoiler position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:315
FGLGear * GetGearUnit(int gear) const
Gets a gear instance.
double GetVcalibratedKTS(void) const
Returns Calibrated airspeed in knots.
Definition: FGAuxiliary.h:135
Encapsulates the JSBSim simulation executive.
Definition: FGFDMExec.h:189
bool GetWOW(void) const
Gets the Weight On Wheels flag value.
Definition: FGLGear.h:259
double GetDaRPos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the right aileron position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:295
double GetDrPos(int form=ofRad) const
Gets the rudder position.
Definition: FGFCS.h:305
unsigned int GetNumEngines(void) const
Retrieves the number of engines defined for the aircraft.
Definition: FGPropulsion.h:134