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JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model
1.0 (02 March 2017)
An Open Source Flight Dynamics and Control Software Library in C++
Public Attributes | |
double | CosPhi |
double | CosTht |
double | Density |
double | DensitySL |
double | DistanceAGL |
double | KinematicViscosity |
double | Mass |
double | PitotAngle |
double | Pressure |
double | PressureSL |
double | Psi |
FGColumnVector3 | RPBody |
double | SinPhi |
double | SinTht |
double | SLGravity |
double | SoundSpeed |
FGMatrix33 | Tb2l |
double | Temperature |
FGMatrix33 | Tl2b |
FGColumnVector3 | ToEyePt |
FGColumnVector3 | TotalWindNED |
FGColumnVector3 | TurbPQR |
FGColumnVector3 | vBodyAccel |
FGColumnVector3 | vFw |
FGLocation | vLocation |
FGColumnVector3 | vPQR |
FGColumnVector3 | vPQRi |
FGColumnVector3 | vPQRidot |
FGColumnVector3 | VRPBody |
FGColumnVector3 | vUVW |
FGColumnVector3 | vUVWdot |
FGColumnVector3 | vVel |
double | Vwind |
double | WindPsi |
double | Wingchord |
double | Wingspan |
Definition at line 256 of file FGAuxiliary.h.