JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model  1.0 (02 March 2017)
An Open Source Flight Dynamics and Control Software Library in C++
FGTrimAxis Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for FGTrimAxis:
+ Collaboration diagram for FGTrimAxis:

Public Member Functions

 FGTrimAxis (FGFDMExec *fdmex, FGInitialCondition *IC, State state, Control control)
 Constructor for Trim Axis class. More...
 ~FGTrimAxis ()
void AxisReport (void)
double GetAvgStability (void)
double GetControl (void)
double GetControlMax (void)
double GetControlMin (void)
std::string GetControlName (void)
Control GetControlType (void)
int GetIterationLimit (void)
int GetRunCount (void)
double GetSolverEps (void)
int GetStability (void)
double GetState (void)
std::string GetStateName (void)
double GetStateTarget (void)
State GetStateType (void)
double GetTolerance (void)
bool InTolerance (void)
void Run (void)
 This function iterates through a call to the FGFDMExec::RunIC() function until the desired trimming condition falls inside a tolerance. More...
void SetControl (double value)
void SetControlLimits (double min, double max)
void SetControlToMax (void)
void SetControlToMin (void)
void SetIterationLimit (int ii)
void SetSolverEps (double ff)
void SetStateTarget (double target)
void SetTolerance (double ff)
- Public Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
 FGJSBBase ()
 Constructor for FGJSBBase.
virtual ~FGJSBBase ()
 Destructor for FGJSBBase.
void disableHighLighting (void)
 Disables highlighting in the console output.
std::string GetVersion (void)
 Returns the version number of JSBSim. More...
void PutMessage (const Message &msg)
 Places a Message structure on the Message queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text)
 Creates a message with the given text and places it on the queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text, bool bVal)
 Creates a message with the given text and boolean value and places it on the queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text, int iVal)
 Creates a message with the given text and integer value and places it on the queue. More...
void PutMessage (const std::string &text, double dVal)
 Creates a message with the given text and double value and places it on the queue. More...
int SomeMessages (void)
 Reads the message on the queue (but does not delete it). More...
void ProcessMessage (void)
 Reads the message on the queue and removes it from the queue. More...
MessageProcessNextMessage (void)
 Reads the next message on the queue and removes it from the queue. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from FGJSBBase
enum  { eL = 1, eM, eN }
 Moments L, M, N.
enum  { eP = 1, eQ, eR }
 Rates P, Q, R.
enum  { eU = 1, eV, eW }
 Velocities U, V, W.
enum  { eX = 1, eY, eZ }
 Positions X, Y, Z.
enum  { ePhi = 1, eTht, ePsi }
 Euler angles Phi, Theta, Psi.
enum  { eDrag = 1, eSide, eLift }
 Stability axis forces, Drag, Side force, Lift.
enum  { eRoll = 1, ePitch, eYaw }
 Local frame orientation Roll, Pitch, Yaw.
enum  { eNorth = 1, eEast, eDown }
 Local frame position North, East, Down.
enum  { eLat = 1, eLong, eRad }
 Locations Radius, Latitude, Longitude.
enum  {
  inNone = 0, inDegrees, inRadians, inMeters,
 Conversion specifiers.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
static double CelsiusToFahrenheit (double celsius)
 Converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. More...
static double CelsiusToKelvin (double celsius)
 Converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Kelvin. More...
static double CelsiusToRankine (double celsius)
 Converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Rankine. More...
static double Constrain (double min, double value, double max)
 Constrain a value between a minimum and a maximum value.
static bool EqualToRoundoff (double a, double b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static bool EqualToRoundoff (float a, float b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static bool EqualToRoundoff (float a, double b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static bool EqualToRoundoff (double a, float b)
 Finite precision comparison. More...
static double FahrenheitToCelsius (double fahrenheit)
 Converts from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. More...
static double FeetToMeters (double measure)
 Converts from feet to meters. More...
static double GaussianRandomNumber (void)
static double KelvinToCelsius (double kelvin)
 Converts from degrees Kelvin to degrees Celsius. More...
static double KelvinToFahrenheit (double kelvin)
 Converts from degrees Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit. More...
static double KelvinToRankine (double kelvin)
 Converts from degrees Kelvin to degrees Rankine. More...
static double MachFromVcalibrated (double vcas, double p, double psl, double rhosl)
 Calculate the Mach number from the calibrated airspeed. More...
static double PitotTotalPressure (double mach, double p)
 Compute the total pressure in front of the Pitot tube. More...
static double RankineToCelsius (double rankine)
 Converts from degrees Rankine to degrees Celsius. More...
static double RankineToKelvin (double rankine)
 Converts from degrees Rankine to degrees Kelvin. More...
static double sign (double num)
static double VcalibratedFromMach (double mach, double p, double psl, double rhosl)
 Calculate the calibrated airspeed from the Mach number. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FGJSBBase
static short debug_lvl = 1
static char highint [5] = {27, '[', '1', 'm', '\0' }
 highlights text
static char halfint [5] = {27, '[', '2', 'm', '\0' }
 low intensity text
static char normint [6] = {27, '[', '2', '2', 'm', '\0' }
 normal intensity text
static char reset [5] = {27, '[', '0', 'm', '\0' }
 resets text properties
static char underon [5] = {27, '[', '4', 'm', '\0' }
 underlines text
static char underoff [6] = {27, '[', '2', '4', 'm', '\0' }
 underline off
static char fgblue [6] = {27, '[', '3', '4', 'm', '\0' }
 blue text
static char fgcyan [6] = {27, '[', '3', '6', 'm', '\0' }
 cyan text
static char fgred [6] = {27, '[', '3', '1', 'm', '\0' }
 red text
static char fggreen [6] = {27, '[', '3', '2', 'm', '\0' }
 green text
static char fgdef [6] = {27, '[', '3', '9', 'm', '\0' }
 default text
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
void Debug (int)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from FGJSBBase
static std::string CreateIndexedPropertyName (const std::string &Property, int index)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from FGJSBBase
static const double degtorad = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
static const double fpstokts = 1.0/ktstofps
static const double fttom = 0.3048
static int gaussian_random_number_phase = 0
static const double hptoftlbssec = 550.0
static const double in3tom3 = 1.638706E-5
static const double inchtoft = 0.08333333
static const double inhgtopa = 3386.38
static const std::string JSBSim_version = "1.0 " __DATE__ " " __TIME__
static const double kgtolb = 2.20462
static const double kgtoslug = 0.06852168
static const double ktstofps = 1.68781
static const double lbtoslug = 1.0/slugtolb
static Message localMsg
static const double m3toft3 = 1.0/(fttom*fttom*fttom)
static double Mair = 28.9645
static unsigned int messageId = 0
static std::queue< MessageMessages
static const std::string needed_cfg_version = "2.0"
static const double psftoinhg = 0.014138
static const double psftopa = 47.88
static const double radtodeg = 57.295779513082320876798154814105
static double Reng = 1716.56
static double Rstar = 1545.348
static const double SHRatio = 1.40
static const double slugtolb = 32.174049

Detailed Description

Definition at line 89 of file FGTrimAxis.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FGTrimAxis()

FGTrimAxis ( FGFDMExec fdmex,
FGInitialCondition IC,
State  state,
Control  control 

Constructor for Trim Axis class.

fdmexFGFDMExec pointer
ICpointer to initial conditions instance
statea State type (enum)
controla Control type (enum)

Definition at line 64 of file FGTrimAxis.cpp.

65  {
67  fdmex=fdex;
68  fgic=ic;
69  state=st;
70  control=ctrl;
71  max_iterations=10;
72  control_value=0;
73  its_to_stable_value=0;
74  total_iterations=0;
75  total_stability_iterations=0;
76  state_convert=1.0;
77  control_convert=1.0;
78  state_value=0;
79  state_target=0;
80  switch(state) {
81  case tUdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break;
82  case tVdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break;
83  case tWdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break;
84  case tQdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break;
85  case tPdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break;
86  case tRdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break;
87  case tHmgt: tolerance = 0.01; break;
88  case tNlf: state_target=1.0; tolerance = 1E-5; break;
89  case tAll: break;
90  }
92  solver_eps=tolerance;
93  switch(control) {
94  case tThrottle:
95  control_min=0;
96  control_max=1;
97  control_value=0.5;
98  break;
99  case tBeta:
100  control_min=-30*degtorad;
101  control_max=30*degtorad;
102  control_convert=radtodeg;
103  break;
104  case tAlpha:
105  control_min=fdmex->GetAerodynamics()->GetAlphaCLMin();
106  control_max=fdmex->GetAerodynamics()->GetAlphaCLMax();
107  if(control_max <= control_min) {
108  control_max=20*degtorad;
109  control_min=-5*degtorad;
110  }
111  control_value= (control_min+control_max)/2;
112  control_convert=radtodeg;
113  solver_eps=tolerance/100;
114  break;
115  case tPitchTrim:
116  case tElevator:
117  case tRollTrim:
118  case tAileron:
119  case tYawTrim:
120  case tRudder:
121  control_min=-1;
122  control_max=1;
123  state_convert=radtodeg;
124  solver_eps=tolerance/100;
125  break;
126  case tAltAGL:
127  control_min=0;
128  control_max=30;
129  control_value=ic->GetAltitudeAGLFtIC();
130  solver_eps=tolerance/100;
131  break;
132  case tTheta:
133  control_min=ic->GetThetaRadIC() - 5*degtorad;
134  control_max=ic->GetThetaRadIC() + 5*degtorad;
135  state_convert=radtodeg;
136  break;
137  case tPhi:
138  control_min=ic->GetPhiRadIC() - 30*degtorad;
139  control_max=ic->GetPhiRadIC() + 30*degtorad;
140  state_convert=radtodeg;
141  control_convert=radtodeg;
142  break;
143  case tGamma:
144  solver_eps=tolerance/100;
145  control_min=-80*degtorad;
146  control_max=80*degtorad;
147  control_convert=radtodeg;
148  break;
149  case tHeading:
150  control_min=ic->GetPsiRadIC() - 30*degtorad;
151  control_max=ic->GetPsiRadIC() + 30*degtorad;
152  state_convert=radtodeg;
153  break;
154  }
157  Debug(0);
158 }
FGAerodynamics * GetAerodynamics(void)
Returns the FGAerodynamics pointer.
Definition: FGFDMExec.h:357
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ Run()

void Run ( void  )

This function iterates through a call to the FGFDMExec::RunIC() function until the desired trimming condition falls inside a tolerance.

Definition at line 248 of file FGTrimAxis.cpp.

248  {
250  double last_state_value;
251  int i;
252  setControl();
253  //cout << "FGTrimAxis::Run: " << control_value << endl;
254  i=0;
255  bool stable=false;
256  while(!stable) {
257  i++;
258  last_state_value=state_value;
259  fdmex->Initialize(fgic);
260  fdmex->Run();
261  getState();
262  if(i > 1) {
263  if((fabs(last_state_value - state_value) < tolerance) || (i >= 100) )
264  stable=true;
265  }
266  }
268  its_to_stable_value=i;
269  total_stability_iterations+=its_to_stable_value;
270  total_iterations++;
271 }
void Initialize(FGInitialCondition *FGIC)
Initializes the simulation with initial conditions.
Definition: FGFDMExec.cpp:591
bool Run(void)
This function executes each scheduled model in succession.
Definition: FGFDMExec.cpp:310
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

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